donna hay magazine

To say I was a little excited when donna hay magazine purchased some cookie cutters from us a little while ago would be an understatement.  I was over the top out of control excited when I picked up their Celebrate issue and saw one of our cutest little cookie cutters had made a cookie for the magazine.  And not just a photo in the magazine.  THE FRONT COVER!!!  Wow.  My favourite food magazine has used my favourite cookie cutter to make a cookie for the front cover.  I think the owner of the newsagent thought I was slightly coo-coo but moments like this do not happen often and I couldn't possibly contain myself. Check out the iPad version of the cover where the cookie comes to life here: Cute Cookie Alert

Our little deer cookie cutter has been flying out the door since the magazine came out on Monday, so much so that we have unfortunately sold out.  Don't worry though we have more stock on the way and you can secure yours now if you like by placing it on back order.  We expect the stock around the 17th November.  The link to backorder yours now is here: backorder me a cute deer cutter please - UPDATE!! Now back in stock available here

Our set of 10 stars has also sold out and is also on it's way back in with the deers.  If you wish to recreate the gorgeous Christmas tree on the cover you can backorder this now by going to this link: Set of 10 Stars backorder This set features the 6 pointed stars which is very helpful in making a perfectly symmetrical tree like the one on the cover.  They are also made from stainless steel so are dishwasher safe.   - UPDATE!!! Now back in stock available here.

There have been a few other cookie cutters from our range used inside the magazine but I will let you have the fun of discovering these yourself.  The magazine really is jam packed with beautiful images and recipes.  Please contact us if you want help finding cookie cutters for any of the recipes. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported Cookie Cutter Shop on our journey so far.  Wishing you much fun with your Christmas baking.  I can't wait to try out the recipe in the mag for spiced vanilla reindeers and also the salted chocolate gingerbread men.  YUM!! 


Happy baking!


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